VAT/PAYE Arrears.
Falling into VAT/PAYE arrears with HM Revenue and Customs can be a sign of trouble ahead. Our experienced turnaround team can support and present your business repayment plan on your behalf, leaving you free to focus on moving the business stabilisation moving forward.
Falling behind with VAT/PAYE is never advisable, yet it is easily done. Turnaround Solutions have assisted many businesses make repayments arrangements with HM Revenue & Customs, allowing company management to then focus on core business issues and ensure any financial restructuring can be addressed quickly.
To do this our experts in turnaround advice will meet with company management to establish the reasons for the current trading difficulties. We will also look to outline the future prospects of the business and provide an indication of how to move forward with regard to PAYE/NI arrears.
Acting on your behalf, Turnaround Solutions will contact HM Revenue & Customs, advise of our involvement as turnaround management specialists and request time to prepare a report in support of the proposed arrears re-payment plan. And with your approval, a final report will be submitted to the Crown and a decision awaited. Any agreement reached relating to VAT/PAYE arrears is strictly on the basis that the company is able to meet current tax liabilities as and when they are due.
To find out more call us on 01824 707944.
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